XiaomihasenteredintoapartnershipwithUber,allowingp Continue readingUber to deliver the Xiaomi Mi Note in Singapore and Malaysia
Camera samples from Oppo Reno "Standard Edition" posted by company VP
OppoVPBrianShenpostedfullresolutioncamerasamplesfr Continue readingCamera samples from Oppo Reno "Standard Edition" posted by company VP
The new iOS 8 starts rolling out today
You veheardallaboutiOS8nowyoucanexperienceitforyou Continue readingThe new iOS 8 starts rolling out today
Nokia E63 pops-up, will be cheaper than E71
Onandon,theNokiaE63becomesalessmysteriousdevicewit Continue readingNokia E63 pops-up, will be cheaper than E71
Xiaomi Watch 2 in for review
Xiaomi sexcellentWatch2Proisamongthebestwatchesava Continue readingXiaomi Watch 2 in for review