Huami introduced a smartwatch called Amazfit Pop last month, and we already reviewed it. We were quite impressed with its health-tracking options and now a Pro version is incoming. A teaser revealed some key specs of the wearable, with a promise to tell us the rest on December 1.
The Amazfit Pop Pro is said to have a 1.43” OLED screen, come with NFC, and 24/7 heart-rate tracking. It will bring Amazfit’s PAI algorithm to keep you active and motivated, and the wearable will have over 60 different sports modes.
Here’s where it gets interesting - all the listed specs are also available on the Amazfit Pop (also sold as Amazfit Bip U at some markets). The key difference is the new device will have built-in GPS, instead of relying on your phone for positioning. It will also have a microphone but we figured that out from fine print at Amazfit Bip U's listing in India.
Amazfit Pop/Bip U
We expect the pricing to get slightly higher - probably will cost CNY399 (that’s about $60), going slightly up from the CNY349 tag of the regular Pop. The gadget is pictured in Green and we hope Amazfit will also bring it in Black and Pink.
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