Whileofficially,theSonyXperiaXZcomesinfourcoloropt Continue readingSony Xperia XZ's 'Deep pink' variant launched, available for purchase in UK
HTC One M9 goes official with a refined design, Snapdragon 810
HTCOneM9istheofficialnameofthenextOneflagship Cont Continue readingHTC One M9 goes official with a refined design, Snapdragon 810
Sony invests $250M in Epic Games, creator of Fortnite and Unreal Engine
Sonyhasannouncedithasinvested$250millioninEpicGame Continue readingSony invests $250M in Epic Games, creator of Fortnite and Unreal Engine
Canon announces 5D Mark IV
Fouryearssinceitwasreleased,Canonhasfinallyannounc Continue readingCanon announces 5D Mark IV
Google Pixel 4 90Hz display confirmed through Android 10 source code
Google supcomingPixel4andPixel4XLhavebeenrumoredto Continue readingGoogle Pixel 4 90Hz display confirmed through Android 10 source code