AccordingtoBloomberg,Googleiskeepingtrackofhowfast Continue readingWeekly poll: Are you running Android 6.0 Marshmallow?
Nougat-powered Samsung Galaxy Amp Prime 2 launched on Cricket
Thesuccessortolastyear sSamsungGalaxyAmpPrimehasbe Continue readingNougat-powered Samsung Galaxy Amp Prime 2 launched on Cricket
iPod nano and shuffle were discontinued today, iPod touch got double the storage
Todayit stimetoshedatearfortheiPodnanoandiPodshuff Continue readingiPod nano and shuffle were discontinued today, iPod touch got double the storage
Google Pixel 3a render appears online
Followingthefootstepsofitsmoreexpensivesibling,the Continue readingGoogle Pixel 3a render appears online
Oppo F11 Pro elevating selfie camera officially confirmed
OppoisinfullonteasingmodefortheF11Pro TheChineseco Continue readingOppo F11 Pro elevating selfie camera officially confirmed